Quality Assurance Council
Head of Quality Assurance Council
RENATA OCHOA-DĄDERSKA, MA DEA. [ORCID; 0000-0003-2838-3296] President of Instytut Badan i Innowacji w Edukacji. Expert in European project management, E-learning and Andragogy. Author of many scientific works in the field of Pedagogical Sciences, Art Therapy, Distance Learning and Adult Education
E-mail: biuro@inbie.pl
GABRIELA OCHOA-DĄDERSKA, Vice-president junior.
Volunteer at Foundation “Instytut Badań i Innowacji w Edukacji” since 2016. IT specialist with 5 years of experience in conducting training courses, organizing events and implementing EU projects. For the last 3 years has been a programmer, website and web application designer.
E-mail: g.ochoa@inbie.pl
Computer Engineer
Mr. Metin Demirci is computer engineer and expert in Marketing research and use of ICT in Education and Workplace. He
has competence in digital social learning and Pattern Learning.
Project Manager
Ms. Yeliz Nur Akarcay is a fully qualified project manager with significant experience of teaching and research activities.She has excellent experience and knowledge of European programmes by assisting in the implementation, management and delivery of EU projects. She has more than 15 years of experience in designing and coordinating international projects and providing a wide range of training for adult learners. She is a graduate of the Department of English Language Teaching and also holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations. She plays a key role in the strategic development and preparation of EU transnational projects.E-mail:yeliznur@gmail.com
Full Professor of Marketing
Javier Sánchez-García (ORCID: 0000-0002-7865-0076). Full Professor of Marketing. PhD in Business Administration. Author of articles in journals included in the Journal Citation Report: Transport Reviews, Journal of Air Transport Management, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Service Industries Journal, International Journal of Aging & Human Development, Tourism Management, Tourism Geographies and Annals of Tourism Research. jsanchez@uji.es
Expert in Relationship Marketing
LUIS J. CALLARISA-FIOL [ORCID: 0000-0001-5710-225X] Expert in Relationship Marketing, Brand Equity, Marketing Communication, Industrial Marketing, Service Marketing, Robots in Marketing and Artificial Intelligence. Author of numerous marketing articles in prestigious national and international scientific journals. IP and researcher in numerous national and european research projects and in different R&D contracts of special relevance with companies and public administrations.E-mail: callaris@uji.es
International Projects Manager
PhD. Živilė Navikienė S.A.F.E.Projects researcher and senior international projects manager. She has over fifteen years of experience in the education spanning from CEO for enterprise, non-profit organizations, international relations officer, evaluator, project management to a youth leader and a national/international expert in the field of VET, youth/adult education. For the past several year she has been working as freelancer and consultant where she evaluated projects domestically and internationally within different European Commision programmes which supports education and training in Europe and beyond. Field of interest: VET, non-formal learning, andragogy. E-mail: safeprojectsforyou@gmail.com
Lecturer Communication Science
Anna Fenko, PhD, [ORCID: 0000-0002-1091-6181], Lecturer Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam. Behavioural scientist and design researcher with more than 15 years of experience in consumer behaviour and product experience. Interested in academic and business projects on user experience, persuasive design, online marketing communications, nudging & behavioural change. Specialties: multisensory user experience, digital communications, customer journey, persuasive design, consumer decision-making, health and wellbeing. Email: fenan.consulting@gmail.com
External Expert
Zofia Gródek-Szostak, PhD. [0000-0001-6283-6952] Staff member at Cracow University of Economics, Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises. Expert, among others in the National Center for Research and Development, Małopolska Center for Entrepreneurship in the field of assessment of applications from enterprises applying for public support for the implementation of innovative projects.
E-mail: grodekz@uek.krakow.pl